• What problems should be considered in the appearance design of household appliances?

    What problems should be considered in the appearance design of household appliances?Home appliances make our life beautiful and convenient, and creativity brings home appliances infinite vitality. Whe

    2022/07/18 hongling

  • Development of gravity induction unmanned vending cabinet

    Development of gravity induction unmanned vending cabinetApplication field: robot relatedScheme type: finished product schemeMaster chip: MediaTek MediaTekCore functionsFunction name Function descrip

    2022/07/18 hongling

  • Development of electric vehicle instrument scheme

    Development of electric vehicle instrument schemeApplication field: automotive electronicsScheme type: module board schemeMaster chip: allwinner QuanzhiCore functionsFunction name Function descriptio

    2022/07/18 hongling

  • Development of billboard advertising machine scheme

    Development of billboard advertising machine schemeApplication field: robot relatedScheme type: module board schemeMaster chip: allwinner QuanzhiCore functionsFunction name Function descriptionsystem

    2022/07/18 hongling

  • On the myth of full stack developers

    On the myth of full stack developersThere are some myths about full stack developers. People may think that full stack developers are very powerful people. They know everything. They know both the bac

    2022/07/18 hongling

  • 基于新手进行arm开发的思路详解

      由于涉及编程,学习ARM单片机系统对于从事电子电路的设计者来说是有些困难的,学习知识不难,难的是理清其中的开发思路,找到一个好的起点。本文就将从这一步入手,为大家介绍初次接触ARM开发应该从哪几方面来理清开发思路。  做个最小系统板:如果从没有做过ARM的开发,建议一开始不要贪大求全,把所有的应用都做好,因为ARM的启动方式和dsp或单片机有所不同,往往会遇到各种问题,所以建议先布一个仅有Fl

    2021/10/30 hongling

  • 单片机方案开发设计的规则

      随着大规模集成电路技术的发展,单片微型计算机也随之大发展,各种新颖的单片机层出不穷。单片机具有体积小、重量轻、应用灵活且价格低廉等特点,广泛地应用于人类生活的各个领域,成为当今科学技术现代化不可缺少的重要工具。  单片机系统的开发融合了硬件和软件的相关技术。要完成单片机系统的开发,用户不仅需要掌握编程技术,还需要针对实际应用选择合理的单片机芯片和外围器件,以此为基础,设计硬件电路。  以单片机

    2021/10/30 hongling

  • STM32的JTAG关闭方法和SWD的使用

    JTAG占用太多IO口,而SWD只需要两条线,在IO资源紧张的时候,关闭JTAG是很有必要的。网上很多关闭JTAG的方法很简单,一句重定义就可以了。GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable, ENABLE);//IO口重定义,JTAG关闭 但是,要注意一个事情:务必在关闭JTAG前打开AFIO的时钟,否则关不掉,JTAG占的那几个IO也不能用。所

    2021/10/30 hongling